Episode 1

Published on:

28th Sep 2021

Eps 001: From PA to CEO with Paula Chadwick, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

Paula shares her journey of starting out with the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation as a PA, to today where she runs the whole organisation as Chief Executive.

She shares her experiences and challenges in believing she was good enough, making the transition to more and more senior roles and transforming a board that lacked trust and diversity into one that really works.

Paula's story is entertaining and fascinating and there are some great insights for business people at all levels.

Over the past 25 years she helped the Foundation expand from its base in the North West to build a nationwide presence as the only UK charity focusing solely on lung cancer.

Lung cancer is the biggest cancer killer of both men and women. Every year 45,000 people are diagnosed and unfortunately 35,000 people die in the first 12 months. The Foundation is determined to change this. It funds research into early detection of lung cancer and provides information, support, help and hope to patients and their families. Their mission is to have a world where no one dies of lung cancer.

Paula is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, with a Master’s Degree in Personnel and Development. She enjoys the theatre, scuba diving and dancing – especially the charity’s own ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ fundraising event.

Paula Chadwick - Chief Executive, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

www.roycastle.org | @Roy_Castle_Lung


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About the Podcast

She Leads Business
She Leads Business
Welcome to the "She Leads Business" show where you'll discover stories, strategies and actionable wisdom for people of all genders!

Here, Una interviews and coaches female and non-binary owners and leaders of small and medium-sized businesses.

You're in the right place if you want a more aligned success, to make a greater impact and to have happy engaged high-performing and in-flow teams that you trust to get the job done.

Allowing you to ditch the stress and fire-fighting, to focus on your most fulfilling high-value work that you can be proud of and to have the financial and time freedom to live the life you truly desire and deserve.

Your host is Una Doyle, founder of CreativeFlow.tv and she's a Speaker, Business Strategist and Impact Coach. Business owners and leaders hire her to help them to achieve their vision with her "Impact Driven Growth"tm model and propriety "Double Your Profits" software.

Yet not every business owner is in the position to hire Una, so she created this podcast to help you to achieve the goals and impact you desire too.

About your host

Profile picture for Una Doyle

Una Doyle

If you don't know me yet, I've been speaking, coaching and consulting since 2003, with my biggest audience to date 2,000 staff at AsdaWalmart's UK HQ.

I'm the founder of CreativeFlow.tv - a business for good - and business owners hire me to help them achieve Impact Driven Growth.

I do this through speaking, workshops and coaching to get the results they desire in terms of productivity, performance and profitability in ways that allow them to make a greater impact for themselves, their teams, clients and the communities that they care about.

Over the years I've worked for huge corporates, scrappy SMEs and everything in between in roles including sales, marketing, change management and employee engagement and communications.

This experience together with my specialised training and innovative approach means you get a different perspective that's grounded in proven principles that work.

So you can:
- Ramp up your revenues
- Grow high performing in-flow teams you can trust
- Take more time off